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                       Cat care visits

We all know cats love routine and their own home, so whether it's a day at work or a fortnight globe-trotting, rest assured, your cat will be loved and cared for. Cat visits include feeding, litter cleaning, grooming if you wish, and kitty play/cuddles

....but on Mog's terms of course!

Should you need your curtains/blinds opened or closed, mail collected or plants watered, that's included too. We offer daily updates on Messenger or by WhatsApp/Viber of your cat's well being.





                   20 mins visit from £10

                   2 x 20 min visit per day from £18

                   *prices for cats within a 3-mile radius,

                                      subject to an additional charge of 50p per mile outwith


        Additional cats, no extra charge!


















Cat Services

cat boarding
cat care cat visit
cat boarding
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