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         Furry Beloved


Have it your way on your big day! Perhaps you'd like your furry beloved to walk you down the aisle, be a ring bearer, be with you at the altar, or maybe you want your fur family member to be captured in your forever photographs.


Whether your pet is to join you for all or part of your special day, having someone experienced on hand whose sole focus is the wellbeing of your pet, with play/toilet breaks, cuddles, feeding, and a quiet place to rest, means you can have the time of your life, knowing your pet is too.

No expensive packages, you will only pay for the time and services you require, such as: 

  • Consultation, meeting you and your pet, planning the big day and your requirements.

  • Collection drop-off (subject to £1 per mile charge).

  • Boarding, prior to or part of the big day (trial night and conditions apply).

  • Wash, blow-dry, dress, and prepare your pet.

        Contact us for a quote and to design your special day.

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